Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Again and Again and Again

Monday, April 25th was treatment day. I decided to go by myself. Sometimes I go with a friend or with Tom, but I felt fine going alone this time. The prayers, once again, were felt that day. The whole treatment day went better than it did in March. I had my lab blood drawn first and then they put the I.V. in, this time 2 sticks, not 4. Yay! Got the Zometa, then had the shots of Faslodex. I was out in about 1 and a half hours. Very good!

For the most part, I've been physically doing okay. But this time I noticed that some of the side effects were increasing...some muscle and bone aches and fatigue. When I noticed the physical symptoms increasing, it seems that the emotional and mental battle increased as well. I started to feel discouraged. Is the treatment really working? Why is it increasing? What are all these symptoms about? Healing or... maybe not?

The following Sunday after my treatment was a teary day. The sweet loving concern of my spiritual family, greetings, Scriptures, songs....all of it added up until tears were there. Once again, the Lord provided encouragement. An elder prayed with me during the prayer time. Then when church was done and most everyone had left, four dear friends, strong women of God, stepped in to minister. They listened to my heart, processed it, advised me, and then... prayed with me. Also, another elder walked over to us and prayed over me. So much support and love from the church, God's beloved children.

I felt restored. I felt rescued. I felt grateful.


How many times will I repeat this pattern? Tears and discouragement... then just the right person or group of people arrive to pray with me...restoring me with encouragement till I stand up strong again?

I don't know...but I suspect...again and again and again.

It's what He does for all of us. That's just what He does. And Who He is.

Praise God that He is limitless in His love to help us up one more time.

O God, thank You that Your love for us is SO amazing.
Lord, thank You for sending Your children to encourage me and lift me up.
I am so grateful.
Thank You...
again and again and again.

Your daughter,