Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16th

Friday was a busy day. My friend Lisa and I drove to Little Rock for a full schedule. I was very thankful to have her with me all day.

We went to the Fashion Show luncheon for CARTI at 10. They set up my keyboard on the stage and got everything ready. The room had round tables with gorgeous centerpieces that were all different, because each one was for sale. The luncheon itself was great food and very lovely. There were about 400 people there, 98% women.

They introduced the governor's wife, whom I met before the luncheon started, and then they introduced me. I talked a little and thanked them for what they were doing today (raising money) and how it had blessed my life. Then I introduced the song and said that God had been my strength in the past year and that was what the song was about. Then I sang it. I wasn't too nervous, which was great.

One fun side note was that Tommy got to come. He had to pick up something in LR anyway, so he slipped in and surprised me. I could see him standing in the back of this huge room...which was comforting and sweet!

After I sang I did have some women come up and say they were survivors and that they couldn't have done it without God either and they enjoyed the song. That's always feel like the song actually did bless the hearers. They gave me a standing ovation, but I don't think it was because I was so spectacular. I do think they liked the song, but mostly I think they were applauding surviving cancer and fighting cancer and I happened to be the cancer patient they could see. Whatever it was, my hope was that God was given His glory!

After the luncheon, Lisa and I went on over to Baptist hospital. I got right in for the test at 3:00. There are no shots or IV's with an MRI. They just put a blanket over you, give you some earplugs, slide you into a tube and then do the test. It's VERY LOUD!!! I could've had a nice nap if it had been just a little quieter. We left at 4:30.

I do not know any results right now. My appointment with Dr. Wilder is on Wednesday, so I will probably not hear anything until I meet with her.

Emotionally? I have moved from feelings of fear, worry, and crying out to the Lord to feeling total peace, hope and trust. I consider that a road trip from my natural response feelings to the Spirit of God taking over my feelings. The calm is Him, not me. So I know He is walking with me and inside of me, as I wait for the results. I am learning, forever learning, that the sooner I hand these heavy things over to Him, which means I say "I will trust You God with this test and what it means", verbally and mentally handing it over to God, then the peace arrives.

Thanks for your prayer cover. I am so grateful for your continued prayers. Thanks for not getting tired of me asking for them.

I'll write again when I hear some news.

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