Saturday, September 6, 2008

Faith Support Ministry

Today, Saturday September 6th, I went to Cabot, AR for a lovely brunch with a roomful of breast cancer survivors. Lots of pink everywhere. Festive pink, even a little flashy. The brunch is a special event planned each year by a ministry in Cabot called Faith Support Ministry. They have a simple encourage people going through cancer with the hope of Christ.

I first heard about them in October 2006 when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. I received a box with little gifts and books and a lovely white fleece blanket with my name embroidered in the corner and the words "Faith Support Ministry-2 Timothy 1:7". I didn't know these folks or the church that it is based at. So I called the church and asked how they knew about me. They said there was a young girl that went to our daughter Mary's school and she gave them my name and asked them to pray for me. I was so surprised and honored! I couldn't believe that complete strangers had taken the time to mail a blanket to me.

But that wasn't all. They also wrote me letters...snail mail notes...all year long! As a matter of fact, I still get notes from one of the women from time to time now. (Marilyn, thank you!!!) Those notes would show up at just the right moment on just the right day. It was amazing. These women are faithful encouragers and prayers warriors to many cancer patients.

This ministry is a blessing to SO many people. I'm telling you about it because if you are ever looking for a ministry to give to that helps people with cancer, check this one out. Their website is They are doing the first and most important thing...praying. Plus, they are sending out gifts and notes to say "we love you and don't give up".

And then was a beautiful brunch with real silverware and china and favor bags...all of it just to encourage us in the Name of Jesus Christ. I brought a friend with me who is a brand new breast cancer survivor. We both were so glad that we got to be there.

Thank you Faith Support Ministry, for blessing me and many, many others. Yes, this is an advertisement. No one asked me to do it, I just wanted to tell you one of many ways God has blessed me and supported me through His church. I'm thankful for all they've done and for what they continue to do to give Jesus' love to others.

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