Monday, October 18, 2010

Four Years Ago

Today is the fourth anniversary of my being diagnosed with breast cancer - Oct. 18, 2006. It was a Wednesday...a Wednesday that changed my life. So much has happened in the past four years. Looking back I can see now that God redeemed the sickness, but the year that it happened I could not have said that. Now I can see so many things that I learned and ways I've changed since going through cancer. God is a Redeemer...bringing beauty from ashes.

There are four things I want to do on this day. One, I want to praise Him and thank Him for His mercy and love. I don't want to live without Him, not even for one day. I am grateful for this day, one more day that I have been given to use for His glory. Thank You, God, for this day.

Second, I want to say THANK YOU to all the precious family and friends who went along beside me and encouraged and prayed for me during that time of my life. All of you were God's messengers of love and encouragement. I was so blessed. I am still blessed. There are many who still encourage and pray for me even now. Thank you dear family and friends!

Third, I am mindful of a huge group of people who are still fighting this fight. They are truly brave and mighty warriors! Some people may not like my military terms...war, fighting, battles, etc. but it is a great metaphor. It IS a war that we fight against this disease. I want to be an encourager and a prayer warrior for those still going through this valley. I continue to pray for them and love them deeply.

And fourth, today I will remember by name those who have lost the battle but won the war. They are not fighting anymore. They are home. Home with God and resting sweetly. Thank you, O God, for their lives and for the way they bravely went through this valley of the shadow of death, trusting in You the whole way, even to death. They are missed by us all.

Okay...that's it for my pink anniversary.

Thank You, God, for these four years. I truly do not know what the future holds...none of us do. I just say thank You for all my yesterdays and thank You for today. I consider each new day a gift from gift at a time. To You be all glory and praise! In Jesus' Name. Amen.


stephruns said...

happy anniversary!

Traveling Woman said...

May He continue to bless you mightily.

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to praise God for the victory and miracles we saw in your battle. I miss you and love you! It is time to get together again!

Rosalinda said...

God has been so faithful... I praise him for answered prayers! Rejoice!!!