Monday, January 9, 2012


I saw my oncologist today. Told her about all my list of concerns. She said "let's regroup". She took me off Faslodex and Zometa for now. (I was scheduled to get both today and they were cancelled.) She said all the pain could possibly be from those meds, totally side effects. She said she wants me to get a PET scan next Tuesday to check for cancer in these areas. If everything is clear, then we will change the game plan. Possibly start an oral estrogen blocker, like Femara or Arimidex. We'll see. First the PET scan. I also talked to my nurse and then to the doctor about being emotionally weary. They both said "we can't have that". She also gave me a prescription for the pain, which will be good. She thought it could be inflammation from the meds and that just getting on top of it will calm things down. Sounds good. Overall...I felt very great about the appointment.

Thanks so much for all your prayers!

SO..."regrouping" has begun. I will go on January 23rd for a PET scan...which is the best type of imaging for detecting cancer. My last one was one year ago exactly.

Thank you again and again for holding up my arms! I went in with a little fear and lots of peace. I know it could have been just the opposite without the prayer support. Tonight I am certainly feeling peace. I am SO happy to be off the meds!

I guess if I were praying big, mountains-moving-into-the-sea big, I would pray for this next PET scan to have absolutely NO sign of cancer. None. Anywhere. My scans in November were clear of cancer, except the small spot of cancer on the T10 and it had stabilized and not grown in one year. That was wonderful! But I'm talking radical mountains moving...NO spots. NO signs of damage. Nothing.

Why not pray that big? David did not say "Oh God, please...just help this little stone to at least make it to the giant."

So little expectation.

I want to hope for more. I want to see more.
I want it gone.For me. For everyone else fighting this disease.
So please continue to pray. Not just for me, but for everyone who is fighting.
You are essential to the battle.

Thank You SO much for today. Thank You for going with me. Thank You for the Arm Holders! I praise You for answering our specific prayers...for wisdom and discernment to be given to my doctor. She is such a blessing. Please bless her Lord in the load she carries everyday with cancer patients. Give her strength and wisdom for each patient. Thank You for Your faithful love and the peace You poured into my mind and heart today. One day at a time. One rescue at a time. You are so good and so awesome. Thank You!
With a grateful heart FULL of love,


Kim said...

I am praying BIG. Goodbye Cancer!

Lisa said...

Thank you for letting us hold up your arms today!! Love you Lisa!

Glo said...

Lisa, thank YOU for reminding us all to pray BIG to believe God that He will indeed slay the giant of cancer! We are with you. All the way.

Anonymous said...

I praise Him with you. Your faith encourages all of us. The name of Jesus is above every name and that includes cancer. When I read Is. 41:10 this morning, I thought of you. He promises to strengthen and uphold us. What a glorious God!