Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Biopsy Day

Yesterday Tom and I went to Little Rock for the biopsy. Got there about 9 to check in, had a 10 am appointment, but finally got wheeled back about 11. They took me into the large CT imaging room, as they use the CT to guide the biopsy. Big room. Big machine. People buzzing all around me. Cold temperature. That's about all I remember...then I was "out".

There is a 2 hour recovery after the biopsy. While I was in the recovery room the doctor came back to talk to us. He said that he did not feel like the biopsy was a good sample because of the angle of the spot. He asked if we could go ahead and do it again, immediately, since I was already there, instead of coming back in a week or so.

Hmmm...we had not expected that question to be asked! Do it again? Well.....

Tom and I both agreed that was fine.

So at 3 pm I was wheeled back AGAIN. (Drugs are certainly a lovely thing, in this particular situation.) They did the second biopsy, waited the 2 hours recovery time again and then we headed home...finally. Got home around 6. They said we would hear the results in 48 hours. My oncologist will call us.

This is The Waiting Mode. Anyone who has had lots of medical hoops to jump through knows it is just a part of the system. I say that very casually as if I am used to it. Yes, I am used to it, but I don't think anyone ever becomes really "good" at waiting. Three years ago, in December 2007, when I was waiting on my bone biopsy I found the wonderful verse in Psalm 130:5 that was a comfort to me.

"I will wait on You, Lord, my soul shall wait. And in Your word I will put my hope."

I love that verse! I will wait on the Lord. Yes, I'm waiting on doctors and phone calls and protocols and bandages to come off and strength to return....all that is swirling around me physically. But... my soul will wait ON THE LORD and my hope will be in Him and His words. They are solid and true. He is faithful and trustworthy.

So...I wrote a song in 2007 with that verse, "I Will Wait".

I will wait on You, Lord, my soul shall wait. I will wait on You, Lord, my soul shall wait. And in Your Word I will put my hope, yes, in Your Word I will put my hope. I will wait."

O Holy God,
Here I am again...waiting. All through the Scriptures Lord there were SO many times when your children were in a situation that they needed You to come. And, in Your perfect timing, You came. I cannot orchestrate all this, Lord. You alone are God. Your ways are not my ways...and I am grateful for that. Your ways are always trustworthy and good. I trust You. I trust You with today. I trust You with tomorrow. I am not afraid of outcomes and results. I would only be afraid if You were not going ahead of me and going with me. I gladly choose to wait on You, O Lord. And yes, I will put my hope in You. Where else could I go? You alone are the one true living God.
In the Name of Jesus,


James said...

I will continue to pray for you while you wait. The song is marvelous!

Anonymous said...

I no longer work at the breast center and miss it dearly. I have returned to Interventional Radiology at MD Anderson Cancer Center. It is the type of department you had your biopsy in. I am thankful that the doctor had the specimen evaluated by pathology so quickly! It is difficulty when going for such a small target and you really want to make sure you can get an accurate diagnosis. You are in my prayers.
