Saturday, January 26, 2013

Calcium normal

This past week Tom and I went to LR on Wednesday to see the doctor.  They always check my lab results first, then I see the doctor.  When we went in she told us that my white blood count was too low and that she wanted to wait till this coming Wednesday before I would get chemo. Okay...kind of good news in one way, I get a week's break to get stronger.  But it's not good in another way. It delays the chemo.   SO...what I thought was going to be an all day appointment...was not.  We headed home without my getting chemo.

Good news did come the same day though.  The calcium was checked also on Wednesday and it now is 10.2!  In one week it went from 14.9 to 10.2....that was wonderful news.  Thank You, God.

SO...the past few days at home have been pretty good.  I have been eating better, which is good.  I need to add a few pounds before I start the chemo again.

That's the update medically.   Our family continues to lean on your prayers and your encouragement for strength and hope.  God blesses us in little and big ways everyday. We continue to praise Him and hope in Him.

We love you so much and are grateful for every prayer and every word of love you send our way.


Lucy George said...

Dear Lisa, Thank you for taking the time to visit us on our way home after Christmas! I enjoyed the short catch-up with you and Tommy so much, and I know you have busy busy lives. You are in our prayers always, with gratefulness as well as petition. Love, Tami

Taylor said...

Dear Aunt Lisa, - Glad to hear the good part of the news! We keep you in our prayers every day. God bless, - Taylor & family