Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Taking a break

Yesterday Tom and I went to Little Rock to see my doctor.  She asked some questions,  how I've been doing, etc.   I told her that the past month's side effects have been more difficult.  In July, I was still able to keep up with some limited activities (even told her about the Prodigals performances).  But, the past three weeks have been hard.  I've been fatigued, nauseous and have had a hard time with my appetite and eating.  I've lost a few more pounds as well. She gave me a physical exam and then looked at the charts. Then she surprised me and said "We're not going to do the chemo today.  Your counts are okay, but you just seem very tired to me today.  Last month you came in and were very robust. I think you need a rest and a break.  We will set up scans next week and then I will see you the following week, so you will have two weeks off.  Hopefully you can regain some of your strength."

Wow...I was so, so surprised.  I'd brought my handy tote bag that I always bring.  It has a few snacks, water, a blanket and socks (the treatment room is very cold), ipod, kleenex, etc.  I was expecting 3 hours of sitting but instead I only had about 30 minutes.  (I did not get the two chemos, Avastin and Taxol, but I still received the bone strengthener Zometa.  I receive that once a month, so she said to go ahead with that.)

Also, I was so, so happy!  She was right...I am tired.  I want to be a trooper, to always be strong.  There are lots of days that God gives me that kind of strength.  But I've had some rough days in the past 2 or 3 weeks. The fatigue, the food, the nausea...all add up to yukky. Plus, my hair is very thin now...shedding daily. Do I get out the wig or not?  In addition to the physical symptoms, I've had some down days, dealing with sadness and discouragement.  I do try to counter it with uplifting things...Christian music, reading the scriptures, talking and praying with friends.  That does help.  But then, it's a daily battle, day in, day out.

I did get more good news...the tumor marker tests (there are two) were both in the normal range and the calcium test was normal as well.  That is really wonderful! I want to focus on those great results...but I can't help but wonder about the upcoming scans.   All the questions, that are always there in the back of my mind, come to the forefront when there is an actual scan date.  What will they show?  Has the chemo been doing what we want?  Or, is there progression? 

So that's the update.  Taking a break from chemo. Needing to get strong again.  Wanting the scans to show incredibly wonderful results.  I need prayers for all of the above.  Side effects to go away...nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue.  Healing to continue even during this rest. Overall, encouragement of heart. That's the prayer list this time.  Thanks so much for ALL of your prayers.  I'm grateful.

Dear Father God,
Thank You for being with us yesterday and even for giving wisdom to my doctor.  So many people pray for our family and for the medical people that attend to me, that I truly believe that she is being led by You, O God. Thank You also for the great test results...I am so thankful!  I have to trust that You are leading us through this medical maze.  I don't want to believe that it's just random, but that You love us and that You are showing us what to do.  Please, Father, restore my strength...both physically and in my heart.  I am trusting You...with every hour of every day.  I love You, always.  Your daughter,  Lisa


Karlton & Julie said...

Julie and I have had the same feeling that God is leading your/our doctor when we have visited her. She has such a peaceful way about her. We are always praying for you and we will pray for renewed strength and rest.

Anonymous said...

I know the last few weeks have been back to that roller coaster for you, and I agree that your doc was wise to give you the physical and mental break that you needed. Praise Him! I think this will renew your heart, mind, and spirit... and it was given at just the right time, Lisa, just the way God does it. :)

I noticed you had lost even more weight, but I did not think your hair looked any thinner when I saw you on Sunday. I say no wig! Especially now that you have two weeks off from the "hair" drug.

The daily struggle to stay "up" is a tough one; I know that personally from past medical issues. You do well at this,Lisa--I know it is very hard, but you know the right tools and you are wise enough to use them. I pray for you in this because I know so much what it feels like to have serious medical issues getting ahold of your mind and pulling a whammy on it and your emotions.

Lis, the fact that your counts, and esp your calcium count, were good is a great sign and I feel encouraged that that means the scans will go well. I know the scans can be really scary--but I really feel with good "markers" that the spots will be smaller or GONE and there will be no new spots. If that were not so, it would most likely show in your markers, so I think the odds are very good in your favor. That is what I am praying for, plus a positive feeling and spirit for you when you get them done and wait for the results.

As always, I pray for complete healing so you never have to deal with this cancer crud again! You have better things to do with your life (like write music, and be a mom and wife!) than sit for hours getting chemo treatment and feeling gross days afterward.

Love you!!

Linda said...

Praying for continued wisdom for your doctor and for encouragement for you and Tom.

Lisa said...

Praying for you Lisa. Use this time to heal and rest and recover. Find something that would taste good and eat. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Lisa, God is the rock, of your salvation. He is your strength. I love you. I'm glad your Dr., has the wisdom to know when you need a rest. I pray this is all you will need, to give you what you need, in Jesus name. God Bless you. Baird Ps.62:7---Is.41:10--Ph.4:13.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Lisa, God is the rock, of your salvation. He is your strength. I love you. I'm glad your Dr., has the wisdom to know when you need a rest. I pray this is all you will need, to give you what you need, in Jesus name. God Bless you. Baird Ps.62:7---Is.41:10--Ph.4:13.