Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Week Off

Yesterday my sister-in-law, Susan, took me to Little Rock for my appointment.  They took my blood samples and the lab showed that the white blood count was too low. 
No chemo.

I'm really fine with that and even suspected that might be what happened.  Tom and I prayed over the weekend that God would decide what's best with the outcome of the lab.  And we believe He was working through all these things for His purposes.  I think taking a week off will allow me to rest and to rebuild my strength, with God's help.

SO...that's where I am...at home...resting.  And asking God to restore my strength day by day. And thanking Him for taking care of each step of this journey.

Thanks so much for your prayers.

1 comment:

carol boyd said...

Always, always thinking of you and praying for you. Your spirit is such a light to all who read your struggles. Sending a virtual hug through the Internet.