Saturday, January 6, 2007

4th Treatment

This has been another full week.

My sister Diane drove over to stay a few days. She arrived on New Year's Eve and stayed until Wed morning. Once again, the Lord sent just the right person for all that was going on.

Over New Year's weekend we found out that Tom's uncle had gone from going into the hospital for an infection last Wed to being in intensive care. The doctors came in and told his cousins that he was dying. Tommy has especially been close to this uncle over the years. His uncle lived in North Carolina, so when we were in Virginia we were able to see him often , which was a wonderful benefit of being over in that region. Our family loves him very much, so this was all hard news to hear.

Tom's cousin called Tuesday morning and said he died that morning around 5:30 am. Tuesday was the day I was going in for my fourth treatment. My heart was grieving Uncle Taylor's death, but I needed to be strong emotionally to show up and spend the day getting chemo. Diane and I prayed together, cried and talked. I was very grateful to have her here for all the things that were happening. Somehow I had to separate the two events for the day.

We left around 9 am and got there around 10. I spent the next six hours there. My appointment with my doctor went well. She felt that the tumor was smaller and softer, again, so she decided to keep me on the same 3 chemos. I told her that I had had a very difficult time with nausea on this past treatment, so she sent me home with some new nausea medicine that hopefully would manage that better. We talked about surgery and she said that my next step is to meet with the surgeon in the next couple of weeks. The surgeon makes the decision whether it's "time" to have the surgery or if she wants me to have one more treatment first. Even if I have one more treatment before the surgery, the total is still 8. So...I just have to meet with the surgeon to know what's next.

After the doctor time I went into the chemo room and started the routine. Diane was wonderful, of course. She'd come and sit down and visit and then come back in awhile. This time they gave me Benadryl as one of my pre-meds and immediately I started yawning! I couldn't keep my eyes I didn't. I just conked out for about an hour or more. The whole treatment was four hours long. We finally got out around 4.

Diane left on Wed. I was SO glad she got to come! Then Tom and Betsy left for Dallas on Thursday for a medical mission conference that his ministry hosts every year. My parents arrived Thurs afternoon. Hooray. Once again, the Lord provided more troops. I hadn't seen them since October so it was so good to see them.

After the treatment I began to just wait and see how I'd feel. Wed. was okay...still felt mostly fine, some fatigue and very slight nausea. So I braced myself for Thurs. But Thurs was mild, the same way. So...I thought, okay, maybe it's 3 days this time. But Friday was mild again! Yeah! I couldn't believe it! Today (Saturday) has been fine...I had a little more fatigue and a little more nausea, but I haven't taken anything for it yet, which is shocking! I'm so grateful.
I was able to go walk with Mary and my Mom around the neighborhood.

Don't know what tomorrow will be like...but so far it has been more like the first and second treatment. And THAT is wonderful! Thank you Lord!!!

Thank you for your continued prayers. All the time people write or say to me that they are praying for me. That is such a comfort! I need the prayers continually because it seems like every week has its own challenge. Please pray for wisdom in the coming month about all the aspects regarding the surgery. Lots of decisions to make, and information to take in.

That's all for now. One more thing...please pray for our cousin Betsy who lives in Florida. She was just diagnosed with breast cancer herself. She is having surgery on Jan. 10, so please add her name to your prayers. The battle continues on, and the Lord continues to fight and walk with me. I can't imagine doing this without Him.


Lisa said...

I'm glad this last treatment has been mild for you. I will continue to pray for you and your cousin. I'm also sorry about the loss of Tom's uncle. I pray for peace and comfort on your hearts at this time.

Anonymous said...

I got your CHristmas card and was in shock. I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. I have begun to pray for you and your family. You never want to hear those words, but I know a lot of growth comes out of it, as do all situations with pain. It's never easy but God carries us through and I know you know all these things. I speak them for myself as well. We love you all dearly and will continue to lift you up. You are beautiful in HIS eyes and I know HE has HIS hand on you. Love, Cindy Gilley

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to let you know that I am keeping up with your blog and that I pray for you every day. I wish I could be one of those troops! I am sorry to hear of the death of Uncle Taylor. Give my sympathy to Tom and all his family that is grieving now. Happy Birthday and congratulations all around to Jesse and Mary! My Katy and Josh are heading toward graduations in May - can you believe it!
Hang in there, girlfriend! I love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, thank you for remembering me on your blog. That is just like you - thinking of other people when you have your own battle to fight. I feel strong in the Lord that you and I will both overcome this to His glory. I continue to learn so much and to lift you up to Him as well. Will be in touch - Love, Betsy.