Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My hair

I went to my hairdresser today. Last time I saw her was the first week of November, eleven months ago. I had just had my first chemo treatment on Oct. 30. They said I had about 2 weeks before my hair would come out. So I went to her to get a very short, short haircut for the in between stage, explaining what was going on. I also explained it would be awhile before I'd be back in.

So here I was, eleven months later...walking in and of course feeling a little emotional. Just showed up and greeted her and caught her up briefly on the past year. Then I got my hair cut. Just a little here and there.

My hair is now 1-2 inches grown out. The color is kind of dark brownish/black in the back, but all around my ears and face I have tons of gray or white hair. Salt and pepper, heavy on the salt. :-) SO...I can't decide if I should color it or leave it natural.

The picture here is of me with my wig, just a couple of weeks ago in Abilene, TX. My wig has served me well all year. I was thankful to have a wig that I felt comfortable in. Actually I have two matching wigs...one I wear plain and one I wear under my baseball caps. But now I'm tired of them. So I'm kind of going back and forth. Sometimes I wear a wig, sometimes I just go out with my short salt and pepper hairstyle. One part of me wants to keep the natural look...even though it is radically different and I do look older. But then I think...I AM older and I am different. I am not the same person I was one year ago. My whole life perspective has changed, so why not look different. But the other part of me thinks maybe I should go ahead and color it, get the highlights in, step back into some sort of normal look again. Can't decide.

I do know one thing. I am just glad to have hair again. Thankful to the Lord.

Gotta go to bed. Another good day. The Lord's mercy poured over me and went with me all day long. Thank You, Lord.


Lara said...

We don't care how you fix that hair, Lisa! Whether youthfully colored or sagely silver, it's a sign that you've made it through this!

Why don't ya leave it salty and peppery and add a little funk? Like a hot pink streak in the back! Shake it up! You deserve whatever hair you want this time around, sweet friend.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Lisa Lisa,
You have always been beautiful and always will be! You do with that hair whatever makes you feel good when you look in the mirror. You deserve it.

MomInStands said...

Ok Miss Lisa...
Keep in mind this is coming from a "gray" girl...so take what you want and leave the rest.

I love not coloring my hair. I hated that constant feeling of wondering..."is it time yet?" "can people see my gray??"
MAYBE one and half weeks out of the month I felt good about my color. Now... it's so freeing not to have to spend the money... and not spend an hour in the beauty shop every four weeks. What I have compromised on..is to tan.
I go in about once a week for 10 minutes. It keeps some definition to the pale face and gray hair.
and you use LESS makeup!

REGARDLESS of what you decide.. like LARA.. WE LOVE YOU. and who cares? What's important is what will make you feel better.
Love you! Jill