Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Test Day

Today Tommy and I drove to Little Rock for my tests. I had a CT scan first, around 9:00am. Then they gave me a shot with some radioactive stuff. It has to circulate in my blood system for a couple of hours. So we left for a while, then came back at 11:30 for the bone scan. After that we went to lunch, then to my doctor's office at 1:30. We finally got home around 5.

My doctor said the CT scan came out fine. There were no problems in my chest area or my abdomen area. That was great news!

There was a problem with my bone scan. They found a spot on my right shoulder that was highlighted on the scan. My doctor said they can't tell from the bone scan what the spot is but they will need an MRI to identify it. She did mention that it could be arthritis or some other things besides cancer.

SO...I'm going Friday afternoon at 3 for the MRI. I would love for you all to pray for me...again. Please pray for complete healing, that whatever it is will be gone. I'm going to be praying that it's just not there AT ALL on Friday. That would be awesome and exciting. Beyond that, I'm praying for God's will to be done.

Pretty tired. Heading for bed.

O God, this is not how I thought this day would look, but You have Your own thoughts. Your thoughts are not my thoughts and Your ways are not my ways. You are holy and just and all-knowing. I am not. So I come to You and once again say that I love You and I trust You, O God. Where else would I go but to You?

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

1 comment:

Lara said...

Lisa, you're in my prayers. Let us know what results you got today.

Love you!