Monday, March 12, 2007

6th Treatment

I went in today for treatment number 6...and it went very well. Only two big treatments left! Yeah!!!

My Mom went with me this time, which was wonderful. She got to meet my oncologist and hear everything she told me. My doctor said I was doing great on the chemo treatments. I asked her about the chemo pills that she wants me to take after the regular treatments are done and she said that she was still deciding what exactly she wanted to do with me at the end of my radiation. I told her I was a little concerned that I would take chemo and do radiation at the same time. She said she would not do them at the same time afterall. I will not start the oral chemo until my radiation is finished. I was very glad to hear about that.

My actual treatment time seemed to go very fast today. My Mom would pop in from time to time to visit, which was great. I did not have to have a red blood booster shot this time because my blood count was so good. Yeah! I didn't have any iron either. The treatment took 3 hours, which seemed shorter than others I've had.

Overall...the whole day was a HUGE answer to prayers. Thank you so much for all your prayers. I've been thanking God all afternoon for walking me through this day.

I had a nice side blessing. A woman that comes with her mother to the same office handed me a card. I met her at the last treatment. Last time I had just found out I had to take more chemo and was very upset as I sat down to begin my treatment. My nurse was talking quietly to me and finding out why I was teary. This woman, Deb, watched the whole thing and after the nurse left she came over to me with tears in her eyes and said that she would be praying for me and asked my name. Total stranger, with a merciful heart. SO...this week I saw her again. The card was saying that she and many others at her church are praying for me. That is so amazing. It has happened over and over...complete strangers writing or speaking to me, telling me that they are praying for me.

Tom went to a church in Accra, Ghana, West Africa last Sunday. Two men came up to "Brother Tom" and told him that they were praying regularly for his wife and have fasted for my healing. GHANA!!! Wow. I'm so humbled by this kind of love. It is not just a random kindness thing, or a social concern love. It is the love of Jesus Christ...which steps in to pray and love someone they've never met. It's a fellowship literally around the world with so many people...I feel overwhelmed with the love of Jesus Christ through His children. Again. I think I've said that before, but it's still true.

Praise to the Lord God, Creator of All! Thank you Lord for this good day...Your mercy and love were evident proof of You. I saw it all day long. Thank You.


Lara said...

Isn't it wonderful to FEEL God's presence on days like today? I'm so glad you had a good day. What a blessing!

I look forward to keeping up with your blog.

Much love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

I just thought you might like to know that last weekend my church had one of our regular prayer vigils, and your name was on the list that everyone in our church prayed over. Not only that, but they have taken the list home and I am quite certain they have been praying for you all week. Another example of the power of prayer!
I love you, dear friend!