Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Catching up

It's been awhile since I've written, I realize. I left off with my 5th treatment.
My excuse is that the first week I wasn't feeling that well, which is the norm. My other excuse is that I've had a lot of wonderful company.

I had the treatment on Monday, felt crummy Wed and Thurs, but started feeling great that Friday. So I thought I was climbing out of the whole nausea thing. But Sunday night I started feeling bad again. I was sick on Mon and Tues again, then felt better again Wed morning. I'm not sure why I went down twice this time, if it is just accumulating, so I don't recover as quickly. I don't know. Now I'm in week three since my treatment, so I'm doing fine, feeling mostly normal. I can tell the fatigue is adding up. I feel pretty good in the morning, but as the day wears on I just don't have any energy I move slower and slower by the end of the day.

Tom is in Africa right now. So far his trip has gone great...which is wonderful. He will leave Ghana tomorrow and be in Europe over the weekend. He'll return on Monday night. That is the same day as my next treatment. My parents are here now. I've had lots of company. Gloria from Co, Karen and Michelle from TN, my sister Diane from MI and now my parents from TN. They are staying until Tommy gets back next week...which is a great blessing. I am so thankful for all these has definitely been a great help. They have all been blessings to our home!

The Lord continues to send support and love in all different forms. One unique show of love is a friend that's a college student here. She's a friend of our son Jesse.
She came to me a couple of weeks ago and told me that she is going to run a half triathlon in my honor, as a symbol of my "running this race". What an extraordinary honor! I couldn't believe it. She has started her training and we are going to meet once a week to share with each other. She'll share her progress and emotions and what the Lord is teaching her in this, and I'll do the same from my own "race". I was just so humbled by this show of kindness.

I've had emails, cards, food, an exercise DVD (I love it!), music...just so many ways that people have said "we love you and we are thinking about you". Whenever I read something or receive something I consider it from the Lord God through the hands of his children. It has been VERY encouraging!

That's all for tonight. Today is today. God has been faithful to walk with me through this day, lifting my heart with His strength. That's as far as I look these days...or at least I am trying to train myself to take "just this day".

Thank you Lord for a nice day. Mary returned safely from space camp in AL. Jamie did well on his midterm tests. Betsy stopped by for while and all is well. And I'm trusting Tom is fine, in Your hands and care, Lord. Same with Jess. Thank you for this plain, uneventful day that still shows me Your love. Thank You, Lord.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I'm so glad that you have so many wonderful friends and family members to take care of you. I pray each night that the next day will be a good one for you. I know you're taking it one day at a time. Take care. I love you very much!

Glo said...

I love your praise to God for a good, plain, uneventful day! Oh that we would all count our blessings like that everyday! I cherish the memories from being in Searcy with you and your dear family. I love you!