Monday, April 2, 2007

7th Treatment

Today was treatment day. Overall, it went very well. My friend Nita, who is a 4 year cancer survivor, took me to Little Rock for the appointment. I was glad to have her company today.

When I went in for my doctor's appointment the nurse spent a good while with me, filling me in with information of what was ahead. She said that after my next treatment...which is my LAST treatment (woohoo)...that I would wait about 3 weeks before I start my radiation program. The radiation will be done in Searcy, so I will have only a 5 minute drive. It is Monday through Friday and only lasts 20 minutes for the whole appointment. I'll go for 6 weeks. I asked about
any testing. I thought they might want to test right after the chemo treatment is done. But she said they will test me 3 months from my last chemo. If any cancer would be found anywhere else, which we of course are praying that it won't, it wouldn't be growing while I'm taking so much chemo. So they wait 3 months to look for any changes. I will be checked every 3 months for 2 years, she said...which I liked hearing that because I want them to keep a close check on everything.

The doctor came in and said a lot of the same. She almost changed my treatment to something different, but reviewed my charts and kept me on the TAC chemo trio. I did not have to have a red blood cell shot or any iron supplements because my blood counts were just above the line. That was good.

The past three weeks since my last treatment looked a little different than my other ones. I had about the same nausea on the first week, but the second week I experienced much more fatigue than I had had before. Very tired. Then the third week I pulled out again. But when the nurse asked me how the last treatment had looked she asked about vomiting, diarrhea, mouth sores, tingling in my hands and feet...all of which I said "no". I did have fatigue, nausea and some acheyness. I realized how BLESSED I continue to be with my response to the chemo. I know people are praying for different things, but I've had quite a few praying specifically that my symptoms would be mild. That is an answered prayer! They looked at me with surprise that I haven't had more. I am so grateful to the Lord for His answer to those prayers! Thanks to you all who have prayed.

I'm looking forward to this week. Not to the sickness that I expect to sneak in...but to the special holiday that this is. I love Easter! I love to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's the whole point of His coming. I do love Christmas, but that's just the beginning, just His arrival. Easter is the celebration of WHY He die for our sins on the cross so we could live...forgiven! Then the resurrection ...hooray...brings to us hope and joy of life beyond death. Praise and thanks to the Lord God who made a way for us all!!!

I'm also thankful because Jesse and my sister Judy are coming over from Tennessee for the weekend. That will be great to see them!

That's it for today.

Thank You, O Lord, for Your faithfulness for this day! Thank You Jesus for choosing to walk to Jerusalem, to the cross, to Your death. Thank You for mercy, for forgiveness that I depend on everyday of my life. Thank You most of all for Your unfailing love! I praise Your holy Name. Amen.


jel said...

will be lifting ya up in prayer!


Paula Harrington said...

Praying for you in KY. Hang in there and let us know if there is anything we can do for you and your family.

Your Sister in Christ,

Laurie M. said...

Hi Lisa,

Been thinking about you and praying for you. It sounds like God has really been good through all of this. I continue to pray for you and your family for strength, encouragement, and health. Love ya!

David U said...

Lisa, you are still in our prayers!

Love you,