Saturday, April 14, 2007

Renewal from the Lord!

Wow. I really did get to go Friday night and Saturday. Hooray!!! I felt pretty well around 4:00 on Friday so Betsy and Carissa and I all ate at Cracker Barrel and then headed to the Women of Faith conference after that. It was wonderful! I couldn't believe that I was well enough to be sitting there. Nicole Nordeman performed (which was another wow!), Sandi Patty sang one song and Patsy Clairemont spoke. They were all tremendous.

We all came back Sat am and stayed the day. We heard Luci Swindoll, Marilyn Meeburg, Allison Allen, Sheila Walsh, a comedienne named Anita Renfroe, and Thelma Wells. Sandi Patty performed in the afternoon and was absolutely incredible. ALL of it was about being free in Christ, truly free.

I am so grateful to the Lord for restoring my strength enough to be there. This weekend was like an I.V. of renewal and encouragement pouring into my heart, refreshing my spirit. I feel revived!

Thank you for praying me there! Lots of you I know were diligently interceding for me this week. Thank you. If you had seen me Wednesday you would not have thought I was going ANYWHERE for weeks. My friend Sandy Mc told me to watch for all the different miracles that God would show me along this healing road. This week was one of those miracles. He lifted me up and got me there by His love and strength and healing power.

O God, my dear Heavenly Father, I thank You! You are so good! So good. So tender to lift my heart up again just when I was feeling weary along this long road. Thank You, Faithful God! I give You the glory, You the praise! There is no one holy but You!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Lisa, I am so glad you got to go! I have been praying for you! Wow, what an amazing God we serve. Love you!

Lara said...

Amen!!! How cool is God??!! He heard what you needed and then answered our prayers. Why do we ever doubt him?

He is faithful and true and loving and merciful and good. Yesterday, today, and forever!!

jel said...

I'm glad that you gto to go!

and that you felt good enough to go!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, thanks for posting this--I had been praying you would get to go for the spiritual and emotional filling. It sounds as if it was wonderful.