Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday full of light

First, I want to tell you what happened when I posted my blog late last night. After I posted it, I turned off the laptop, got ready for bed and just thought I'll look at FB before I go to sleep. Many of you had already written words of love and hope and said that you'd be praying. In the next 30 min as I was settling in...I could tell a cloud had lifted, the dark feelings in my mind and heart were feeling so much better! I knew it was the prayers and the Lord coming into my room and lifting my heart. THAT was incredible and SO hope filled for me. I went to sleep, had a good night's rest.

Then I woke up this morning feeling the same way...light! I actually walked into the kitchen and poured some cereal for myself (usually everything is brought to me so I can eat and get all my meds down first thing in the morning). But I felt so good! Wow...was thanking God. The day continued to be wonderful...lots of great things. Some friends came to sit with me and help and also encourage. Also, I actually cut back some on my daytime pain med...that is really amazing. I did eat better today too. Great day.

Then the doctor's office called about 10 am. The calcium was down!!! They said it had gone from 12 to 11.8...and I said "well...is that enough? Doesn't sound like very much." They said "No...we feel good about that! We think it's coming down. Dr. W wants you off the nose spray and the prednisone steroid right away." WOOHOO !!!!! Off two meds!!! SO thankful to God... SO, SO happy to hear that! Praise God!!! They also said to come back Wed (tomorrow) to recheck the calcium one more time, and I'll hear the results Thursday. AND she also said to go ahead and set up the time for the PET scan and then to come see her after I get it.

WOW...SO thankful!!!! I did set up the PET scan and it is one week from today, next Tuesday April 3 at noon. This is a big, big, big day. The scan in January showed the 6 new spots. If the cancer has progressed, I will probably begin some form of chemo, oral or IV. If not, they will keep me on the Femara pill (anti-estrogen) and the Zometa (bone strengthener that also stops cancer growth in the bone.)

But of course...I want to ask for the mountain to move. NO cancer. None. Whatever happens, I will praise Him. (You all have been down this road with me before.) But I want to ask for it to be gone.

I am sounding the trumpets, like in the Old Testament, asking for prayers that are radical. If you feel called to do this...I am also asking for people to fast and pray...starting on Sunday, which just so happens to be Palm Sunday...and fasting till Tuesday. (There are different kinds of fasting, whatever you feel called to do.) The test is at noon, but I don't know the exact time when I will be in and out...so maybe breaking the fast in the evening. (Again, that is up to you.) I won't find out the results until Wed. or Thurs.

I feel like in one way this is such a risky thing to ask...to pray for a miracle. How will we feel if we don't see it? What will that mean about God and Who He is?
But I will tell you that when you are in my position...which is the fight between life and death...all I can do is stretch my arms up to the heavens and cry out to God because I really don't care if it looks risky. "O God Most High...You said I could ask You for ANYTHING...so here I am. This is my anything."

SO...prayer list: tomorrow... they draw blood to check the calcium and to begin radical prayer for Tuesday's scan.
Bottom line...healing.

O God,
I THANK YOU...and continue to THANK YOU for the shift I've felt in one day. You made darkness turn into light! I continue praising You even as I fall into bed tonight for You have blessed this day SO much! All the little things...hummingbird showing up in early spring to the BIG things...great news and meds stopped. O God...You are faithful and good. THANK YOU over and over and I give You all the praise and glory.
I love You.
Your child,


Lisa said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Father for loving this woman so much and giving her such a good day filled with good things!!! Love you!!

Lori Young said...

Yeah God! Praying for the miracle with you!

Patti said...

Sending my love and continued prayers. Thank you for this great update! So happy today was great!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am believing with you for your MIRACLE! Reading your blog is such an inspiration to me! Be blessed, my sister!

Pam Branch said...

Lisa, I was the anonymous person...guess I hit the wrong button!

shirley said...

What a Great friend, we have in Jesus. Praise God !!! Ask your Doctor, what he thinks about Cysteine, as a supplement, in your daily intake. It is suppose to raise your Glutathione levels. Commonly used is, N-acetyl cysteine. It helps prevent, cancer,supress tumor growth, detoxify's the liver,cells &lymphatic system. Boost the immune system. Protects red blood cells from damage. God Bless, Baird

Linda K said...

I will certainly pray--not for a miracle, but just for God to BE Who He is. His normal IS miraculous to us! He loves us SOOOOO much! And no matter what we see, we KNOW that the Truth is, you ARE HEALED by Jesus' stripes! And whatever SEEMS so real to us here, it PALES in the Light of the TRUE REALITY of God and His glorious work in us. So this pale shadow of reality WILL yield to the vibrant, glorious, manifest TRUTH at work in us--that Power in Eph 1 that is "toward" us--the same Power that raised Jesus from the dead!