Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Tom and I went to see my LR oncologist today. They wanted to compare the lab from last Thursday at Vanderbilt to a lab taken today. My calcium levels had come down but were still not normal (they were 12). Also, my blood pressure was very low today. I can't remember the bottom number but the top was in the 70's.

SO my doctor said she wanted me to get more fluids today to try to help the blood pressure and then recheck. She also wanted to start an antibiotic...she wondered if I have an infection somewhere, like maybe a kidney infection.

So I went back to the chemo room, my favorite nurse got my IV in,(yay), plus they were able to draw my lab from it and then I went in for the fluid treatment. It took a couple of hours...not too long. They rechecked my blood pressure and the top number came up to like 84...up, but not normal. My doctor wants me to come back tomorrow to see the lab from today and to get more fluids put in.

This is all not what I was praying for (and asking you to pray for). I didn't get back in the normal ranges on most of these things. My CBC WAS normal, which was wonderful. But these other things are concerning them and me. (She almost put me in the hospital to just work on the fluids, and test me, etc. but decided to do it like this).

Going tomorrow at 10am to get the fluids put in.

Whewwww....let's see...same prayer.

Healing. Normal levels. No cancer. No pain. Victory in Jesus.

Thanks SO much for your continued support and love. I am leaning hard into it.

Okay Lord,
I sound like "annie"..."Tomorrow's a BRAND NEW DAY" :-)... is. It is new every morning. I say goodnight to You with this Scripture, O God:

"It is good to give thanks to the LORD,
to sing praises to thy Name, O Most High;
to declare they steadfast love in the morning,
and thy faithfulness by night" Psalm 92:1,2

With hope and love,


Patti said...


Healing. Normal levels. No cancer. No pain. Victory in Jesus.

I love you. P

Lisa said...

I will be praying for all these things! Love you!

Lori Young said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend. You are amazing! Love, Lori Young

shirley said...

Praying for your blood pressure to return to normal. Love you, & God Be with you always. Baird