Friday, April 13, 2012

Waiting in Hope

Friday morning I went in at 7:45 am. They wanted me to come early so I could get results back that morning. They took the sample then my friend Wilma and I went to Target while the lab was testing. I shopped in the go-cart buggy :-)...which is kind of fun to shop like that. Found a few things I'd been needing.

They called me while I was shopping and said that the calcium stayed the same. Not what I was hoping but thank You God that it didn't go up. I went back and got one bag of fluids and then I was done by 11:30 am !!!

The biggest news really of all this past week is that I will go in Monday morning at 10 am for a "see the doctor" appt. and then I will begin chemo. This is the sit down, IV chemo...NOT the oral chemo I've mentioned before. I'm glad this is what we are doing AND I'm ready. I want to get something in my blood that will jump in and fight a new it's good. The meds are Avastin and Gemzar. The Avastin cuts off food supply to cancer cells and the Gemzar goes into the bloodstream to destroy the cancer cells. Our prayers are that they target the bad and that God will protect the rest of my body cells. I probably will get a port put in next week so that they are not accessing my veins every time with my arms. It is hard on the veins and hard on me to keep getting "accessed" so getting the port is a good idea. I had one in 2006, then had it removed about 3 years later. Another thing I'd rather not do, but I want to fight with all the tools that are available, and the port is kind of like another tool for me personally.

All weekend the Lord has POURED his manna out to our family. He is so, so sweet. Thursday dear friends from Nigeria stopped by to bless and encourage us. Friday I had beautiful flowers to arrive, a friend to visit, calls and cards. Saturday some dear friends from Tennessee, (Wally and Brenda for those of you who know them) stopped by on their way home from Branson and that was a sweet gift. Our Betsy was here this weekend and I'm always grateful to hold my "far away babies". :-) Food brought by, some help with laundry, birds and critters playing in the yard just to delight my eyes. God is EVER faithful to lift our hearts! I praise Him and give Him my thanks all day.

A friend sent these verses recently...thought I'd share them.

In Him (God) we live and move and have our being.
Acts 17:28

We wait in hope for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in His holy Name.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our hope in You.
Psalm 33:20-22

All praise to You. In this valley I continue to lift up my lift up my eyes and my heart day by day. Thank You O God! I'm ready to go Monday for I know I will not be alone. Your Presence is ever in me and with me. I am not alone also Lord because of so many that are praying and going beside me. Thank You, thank You!
My hope is in You. It is not in these medicines. You may use them, O God. But You are the Healer. You alone are my Healer and Friend and Rescuer. I trust You with this day and with my days ahead. May ALL praise and glory be Yours.
In the Name that is sweet and ALL powerful,
Jesus Christ. Amen.


Anonymous said...

May our Dear Lord, bring you Love & Comfort on Mon. & every day. Love ya, God Bless. Shirley Baird Hugs !

Anna L. Davis said...

Lisa, I'm praying for God to reign victorious in your life. I bought your CD last year, when you spoke at Greenville Oaks. Your songs have been such an encouragement to me. May God keep you close in His care, under His wings, during this time.

lisacarol said...

Thank you Shirley, so sweet. And thank you Anna for your prayers and encouragement about the cd. I'm thankful God is using it to encourage you. He is so, so good!