Monday, April 30, 2012

Second Treatment

Today I went in for the second treatment of chemo.  My first stop in the office is always to go to the lab so they can draw some blood.  That stop was MUCH easier today because they used my new port...yay!  (I had a port put in one week ago.) They accessed the port, got the blood for the lab work, then I walked into the chemo room. Usually they have to find another vein  other than the lab, which is not fun. But problems. She started the process right away.  My nurse and I were both happy! :-)  Thank You, God!  I started around 11 am and finished up about 2 pm.  It  sounds super long but I bring things to do and really, the time goes by quickly, which I'm thankful for!  I was feeling kind of down on the ride there, but once I got there the Lord really took care of me and lifted my heart. I felt hope and peace the whole time I sat there.

I want to back up a little about last week.  I haven't really had physical side effects that I've noticed are new...from the chemo. I still deal with pain and take meds for that.  I've done much better about food and nausea.  Today they gave me some lab results, the basic CBC counts.  They were a little low but not low enough that I had to have some shots that they give when your white blood count goes down.  I'm thankful for that. I should hear about the calcium tomorrow.

But last week I did struggle with emotional ups and downs.  When I get "down", the tears come quickly and my thoughts slide into discouragement. I don't want to do that...and I do lots of things to make the shift.  I get help from reading the Word, listening to praise and worship music, calling people to pray with me and especially talking to my husband and friends. And, of course, all the encouragement that comes to me in all different forms...emails, letters, FB, etc.  The Lord uses all kinds of things to help me everyday.   I know so well the Scripture from 2 Corinthians 10:5 that says "take every thought captive". It's just hard.  I think the emotional struggle last week was a combination of the side effects of the pain medicine and some things that were going on.  My sister Judy is doing better from her car accident...thanks for praying for her.  My mother-in-law had a very difficult week last week, and we are all concerned about her.  She did leave the hospital on Friday and went back to her apartment.  We were all thankful that she was "home" again, although there are still big medical issues we continue to pray about.  Both of them have been on my heart and in my mind.  Also, a young man that attended our church passed away on Friday. He was 23 years old and died of cancer.  So heartbreaking.  I did not know him, but our whole church had been praying for his healing...which did not come here on earth.   Now he is Home with Jesus and healed.

God has been SO faithful to hold me up and love me in this valley.  I want to focus on His goodness and love...not the suffering or difficulties.   My prayer requests continue to be that I would be healed...that this treatment would stop the growth of cancer completely.  I continue to ask for prayers to cover my family... my precious husband, who does so much to bless and care for me, and our wonderful children as they deal with this issue each day.  Please pray for my emotions to stay up.  I need to stay hope-filled to continue fighting and I know that only God can fill me up with His Hope.  He has done it over and over again. That's what I want to remember and write on my heart.  Thank you SO much for your prayers!  We are leaning on them each and everyday.

O God,
THANK YOU...for being with me today.  You lifted my heart.  You took me through each hour with Your tender love.  You ARE Love....and I'm thankful.  I thank You for all the prayer warriors that cover our family with their prayers and support.  I thank You for this medicine ....and I will thank You even now for the healing it is doing.  I trust in You, O God.  Whatever each day brings...I will continue to love You and trust You.  I will praise Your Name always and forever.  Goodnight, Father.  Thank You for being the God Who doesn't sleep...but watches over Your children all night.
In the Name that has saved me,
the Name that is my Friend,
the Name that brings joy to my heart because
He is my everything....


Debbie said...

Happy May Lisa! So happy yesterday was positive - hurray for ports! Thinking of you and all the family this morning! We are studying Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" in our Mon night group. Chapter 3...which is "Crazy Love"!pg 61 "The greatest knowledge we can ever have is knowing God treasures us." Eph 1:16-18(Living Bible)I pray your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future he has called you to share. I want you to realize that God has been made rich because we who are Christ's have been given to him! Chan "The holy Creator see you as His "glorious inheritance." Love you Lisa! Praying comfort, peace, restoration, strength in, over and around you all and for His Glory!!

Kim said...

I pray for you every day, but I know you are much more concerned for your family than you are for yourself. I promise to call each one of them by name every day!